Tuesday, September 18, 2012


         Dua hari lepas I went for a medical check-up to test overall health and get cervical cancer prevention vaccination . Yang syoknya dos for vaksin kanser servik ni dapat free ja uolls...jeles tak?hehee. knapa? sbb nya sy lahir tahun 1993 n tgh amek degree , so i can get free...so kalo sape yg bukan lahir tahun 1993 and non degree students , if u nak vaccination tuk serviks.. it cost paling murah around rm150 utk satu suntikan . But dah rezeki , so i can get free vaccine for 3 doses yeayyy ! .

         But yang xsyoknya , the doctor tibe2 tak sengaja detect ada a mess kinda ketumbuhan kat kawasan mai rahim. Dia bt abdomen check and bagitahu there's somtim wrong somewhere with mai rahim , haiyoo cuak nenek kebayan ak masa tuhh huhu . Then dia tros letak macam jeli kenyal2 kt my perot  , then ada gambar black white keluar kat mesin scan tuh .

      '' Zulaika , do u know what's this ? '' doc tetibe je tnya ak pasai gambar kt scanning machine.
      '' Rahim kot . " kompiden je ak jawab.
      '' Yes , but what wrong with your rahim ? ...*senyap
      ''Bile last period ? Berapa hari ? Ada sakit senggugut tak ? Is  there any signs of abnormality ? blabla ''

 But ak tak jawab sume soalan bla bla dia..sbb ak even tak ingt pon bile ntahh last ak period , berape hari ..lg la ak tak ingt. i mean perlu ke ingat ? ..ak piki ble msa bulan2 puasa je perlu ingt berapa hari period nihh ceyhh. Then the doc cakap2 somtim kat pembantu dia sambil tgk mesin scan and mai rekod kesihatan .

                                                                                   nak tahu ni la Ovarian Cyst ya awok


         '' U tahu tak u punya ovari membengkak , Ovarian Cyst . its quite big 12x8.8 now , u have to be operated as soon as possible '' serius je muke doktor tuh.. , cuak nak mampoih muke ak..warghh okeyy doktor , its not funny anymore !, ak berharap sgt2 msa tuh yg doktor tuh akan cakap balek kat ak "hey dzulaika , im just kidin , no wori hehe'',..or mebi jerit ''Aprill fool !'' even bkn bln april pon ...or mebi ''Alamak, kami tersalah diagnose lah, sory'' ..or wateva yg mgatakan ak xdek kne mgene dgn ovarian cyst and perlu di operate bagai pleeaaaasssseeeee....T.T

           But then ak sedar xdek nya doktor tuh nk buat troll face and ckp mcm tuhhh waaaaa.....okey redha sajalah . nak menangis pon buat apa kn ..useless. so stay strong and positive saja :) And hari ni aku kne bt date dgn hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Star now .GTG. wish me luck .Kbaibai